We wouldn't be a bit surprised if you've already heard of Tywebbin. She's active in several social media platforms and has spent nearly a decade building her brand. On the business end she does Web design, graphic design and online marketing through her company Tywebbin Creations. But she also has a lot to offer through her Twitter stream. She delivers common sense tips about social media (you MUST have a bio and link for your Twitter account), as well as more complex marketing issues for anyone interested in growing an online presence.
Much of Tywebbin's experience comes from specializing in small businesses and writers. In fact, we love that she introduced us to the concept of "Blog Tours" for emerging authors. What a great idea! She's also an author in her own right so don't be shocked to find out that she's cooking up something even bigger for the near future.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tywebbin
Web Site: http://www.tywebbin.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/tywebbin
Thank you!!! I really appreciate the feature.
And we enjoyed doing it! We're learning so much from all of you in the process. :)
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