ElonJames: Double Duty

ElonJames is the founder of the comedy production group "The Brooklyn Comedy Company". But anyone who dipped a toe in his Twitter stream today also knows he can be dead serious. As we've discovered, having those two sides can be very handy.
When the political stakes are as high as they are these days, you aren't going to find many people who can tell you what's going on in the world and have a sense of humor about it at the same time. But ElonJames manages to pull it off without sticking to anyone's script, which is usually the sign of a thinking person. Afterall, what is the point of being a blogger if you can't smooth go off sometimes?
But like most performers, he does his best stuff on-screen. People are still talking about his controversial BET Doesn't Care About Black People. As one Huffington Post commenter said, "It's comedy, but it hit the nail on the head." We're sure Elon has heard that before. Just take a look at his Black vs Black vid below about the media's attempts to pit African-Americans against one another:

Need more? It isn't hard to find ElonJames. He's everywhere you want to be, so check him out.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/elonjames

Blog: http://thisweekinblackness.com/

Website: http://elonjamesisnotwhite.com/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/bccofilms

Huffington Post page: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elon-james-white/

Facebook: http://www.networkedblogs.com/blog/this_week_in_blackness?ahash=28c251f7be733b18a9ed9b670ae9e5f2

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