This is not going to be the usual introduction to a member of the Twitterati. I'm going to let you know exactly why today's twitterer is important through personal experience. I hate feeling like I'm missing out on things, especially when it comes to music. But you know how it is. We get busy with work, and the family and before we know it we're driving around with a bunch of cassette mixtapes from what we hope was the golden age of hip-hop. Well, a couple of weeks ago the BlackTwitterati (they, who are in secret) assigned me to check out Soulbounce and I can say that in that time I've gotten caught up on a huge chunk of today's music scene. Through Soulbounce's blog and Twitter stream I have been introduced to so many stateside and international artists I might never have heard of before.
Being a visual person, I was happy to see all the fab layout, pictures, video clips, and graphic designs. I was also inspired enough by the artist profiles to furiously scribble a few notes and actually add some current tunes to my iPod. Buh-bye dusty cassettes. If you want to hear about what's hot now, or what's coming up, or what an artist from the past is doing now, I highly recommend Soulbounce. Pretty soon you'll be able to chastize other folks for not knowing as much as they should about Esperanza Spaulding, Black Milk or Iyadede - not that you should. But thanks to Soulbounce for getting this old lady current again!
Blog: Soulbounce.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/soulbounce
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SoulBounce
Been rolling with SB since its inception. It definitely is THEE best soul music site on the innanet :)
Thanks for the tip. Went over and took a look.
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