The Fail Whale drink, named for the illustration that pops up on your computer screen when Twitter is over-taxed, first appeared at the Shorty Awards in New York. Everyone says this is going to be the cocktail of the season, but it's almost impossible to find a proper recipe. It turns out there are two or three recipes. Thanks to some industrious Twitter buddies (and little help from @mixologist ) we've been able to piece them together. Choose your own adventure, Twitterati.
The Fail Whale Martini
1 part Absolute
1 part Cointreau
1 part Blue Curacao
Lime Slice
Pour over ice and mix in a shaker. Serve in martini glasses.
The Fail Whale Martini II (a variation on the Blue Whale
1 part Vodka or Gin (depending on who you ask)
1 part Blue Curacao
1 part Orange Juice
1 part Pineapple Juice
1 part Sweet and Sour Mix
Pour ingredients over ice and mix in a shaker. Strain into tall glasses.
Garnish with a plastic blue whale and a cherry. Serve.
The Fail Whale Drink, according to FailWhaleDrink.com is:
1 Glass of Heineken
.5 shot of Blue Curacao
.5 shoto of Vodka
1 Sardine (if available)
Drop the shot of Vodka and Blue Curacao into the pint glass heineken, garnish with a Sardine.
There's also the Fail Whale Iced Tea:
0.5 oz Blue Curacao
0.5 oz Gin
0.5 oz Rum
0.5 oz Triple sec
0.5 oz OVAL Vodka
Pour all the ingredients over ice. Shake and garnish with a lemon squeeze.
If you decide to try any of these out, please come back and give us a review! Also check out www.whatisfailwhale.info, which is the entire collection of fail whale sightings on the internet. Thanks to the original fail whale creator @yiyinglu for letting us dip our toes in her stream over at Flickr.
I love the thought of martinis and I look super glam holding one. But man, it's just too much alcohol in them. Better stick to my merlot!
Oh God. Want. WANT. I'm going to the pub next weekend and getting one of these things made up.
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