MoutonNoirWines: Urban Flavor By The Glass

Real quick. How many winemakers have street teams in New York City? Suffice it to say, not very many and maybe only one. But, as far as we can tell, there aren't many wine hustlers like MoutonNoirWines - also known as Andre Mack. He gets the word out about his "distinctive garage wines" in ways that are unique to young urban entrepreneurs.
First some background: Mack first became interested in wine while working in the restaurant trade. Just a few short years later, he had worked his way up to head sommelier at a four-star restaurant in New York and he eventually became the first African-American to be named “Best Young Sommelier” by Chaine des Rotisseurs. He founded Mouton Noir Wines in 2004 and began selling his bottles to popular restaurants.

Today, he’s often featured in publications such as Black Enterprise and Food & Wine Magazine. He drums up street level support through wine-tastings, Mouton Noir paraphernalia, a street promotions and the internet. In a relatively short amount of time, he has been building up an army of wine-lovers on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. Mack not only does a bang up job of promoting his own wines, he's also willing to talk about other people's beverages - including beer!- and even a little history about wine-making. Looking for the perfect bottle to accompany the perfect meal? It's worth sending him a tweet to see if he can spare some time for a recommendation. Just tell him the BlackTwitterati sent ya.




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